Win a copy of Vanessa Barrington’s New Book DIY Delicious!
Posted on Monday, August 16, 2010 | By 2 |
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Submit your story to win a signed copy of Vanessa Barrington's new book, DIY Delicious!
Many of us didn't grow up canning or making our own artisan food from scratch or, if we did, we lost it somewhere along the way. If your story is like mine, you were too busy with college exams, a demanding job, and a busy social life to worry about where your food came from. But perhaps one day, the stars aligned and you had your 'spark' - that aha! moment when you realized that putting food away wasn't a waste of time, that making cheese is sexy and that curing meat will win you more dates than a bikini wax.
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As cliche as it sounds, I read "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver and it changed the way I saw everything. Suddenly for me, dirt was soil and vegetables were miracles. Water became a resource to be conserved and appreciated and I started seeing time in seasons. Around the same time, I met an amazing friend with a similar interest in food who worked at an organic produce wholesaler. The stars had aligned and my cupboards were full of beautifully-colored mason jars and my freezer packed with vacuum-sealed treats.
For Vanessa Barrington, the author of DIY Delicious, it was visiting her aunt’s farmhouse (the house where her mother grew up). Seeing the pantry lined with homegrown and home-preserved fruits and vegetables was an unforgettable moment for her. She likens it to experiencing a part of her history that her mother had left behind. She set out to reclaim it, and after several years of dabbling, her “from scratch” book, DIY Delicious: Recipes and Ideas for Simple Food From Scratch, is being published by Chronicle Books.
What sparked your interest in DIY foods? Submit your story today for a chance to win a free signed copy of Vanessa Barrington's new book DIY Delicious, which is sure to be a favorite in your collection! The winner will be chosen through a random drawing from all story entries.
Contest Details:
Entries must be submitted by 12pm pacific on Monday, August 23rd
Submit the story of what inspired you to dabble in DIY artisan food through any of the following ways:
The winning entry will be announced on the sites listed above on the opening day of Eat Real Fest, August 27, and the winner can stop by the farmCurious booth at any time throughout the festival to claim his or her prize.
Good luck! We're looking forward to reading your stories!

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- On - Add your story as a reply to this post
- On - Add your story as comment to Vanessa's DIY Delicious Spark Contest Post.
- Use hashtag #DIYspark on twitter to link to a post on an independent site site with your story